get to know me

get to know me

When it begins

When it begins

My first glimpse of weddings was in 2016. when I met my, now husband, who is a wedding videographer and started filming alongside him. As a second shooter, my task was to capture all the spontaneous moments in a completely documentary way and that's when I fell in love with storytelling and what brought me where I am now. Filming as a form of art is still dear to me, but photography is more challenging, capturing exact perfect moment.

Get in touch
Get in touch

making big decisions

Although my life was dedicated to become occupational therapist, 2022 I decided to quit my job and become full time wedding photographer. It was very hard to make that decision because I really do love to work with people, especially with kids, but it was a right one. It has been a long journey with lots of struggles and bumps along the way, but I couldn’t be more thankful with where I am now with my business as a photographer. It truly is the best feeling in the world.

who am i when i'm not on a wedding?

The notion of happiness for me is spending time with my little family, a walk with our doggo and good food. I love to travel but also get cosy underneath blanket and binge watch good series. Black coffee without sugar is my go to and my music playlist would describe my personality very well-form Taylor Swift to doom metal. :)





The photos are just amazing. I simply cannot find words to express my delight. We are so glad that you were with us on this day and were able to so beautifully and tenderly capture day with our family. Even though it was a rainy day, you couldn't tell from the photos, it's incredible..We believe that it simply could not have been done better.

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